
RNV 43: Nolan Gasser | Why You Like It: The Science & Culture of Musical Taste

RNV 43: Nolan Gasser | Why You Like It: The Science & Culture of Musical Taste


On this episode of Rock'N Vino we sit down with Nolan Gasser - he's a critically acclaimed musician, musicologist, the architect of Pandora's Music Genome project and author of the recently released book Why You Like It; The Science & Culture of Musical Taste. We chat with Nolan about his love of music, the science behind matching what some would believe are unrelated songs together, his love of wine, and of course his new book! 

Find out more about Why You Like It at

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RNV 42: Linkin Park Bassist Dave 'Phoenix' Farrell & LP Tour Chef Gray Rollin

RNV 42: Linkin Park Bassist Dave 'Phoenix' Farrell & LP Tour Chef Gray Rollin