
RNV 19: Matthew Lowe | Kendall-Jackson Chef + Garden Educator

RNV 19: Matthew Lowe | Kendall-Jackson Chef + Garden Educator

On today's episode of Rock'n Vino we were out enjoying the 20th Anniversary of Wine Road's Wine and Food Affair with a stop at Kendall-Jackson to chat with Chef / Culinary + Garden Educator Matthew Lowe followed by a stop at La Crema's SaraLee Vineyard Tasting Room. Don't forget to check out our Instagram Stories for some behind the scenes video footage of our visit!

RNV 20: Geoff Whitman | JaM Cellars

RNV 20: Geoff Whitman | JaM Cellars

RNV 18: Harvest Card | Get the VIP Wine Country experience!

RNV 18: Harvest Card | Get the VIP Wine Country experience!