Comparing champagne flutes to ear plugs
I was skimming through Facebook as I tend to do late at night and ran across this article... comparing the experience of going to a concert with earplugs limiting the sound experience to that of drinking Champagne through a flute glass limiting the taste experience.
Yet one of the many articles that have caught my attention recently showing just how much music and wine have this unspoken symbiotic relationship. You can read the article here: ( So that does raise the question, or in this case questions...
- What kind of glass do you prefer to drink champagne from? A flute? A tulip glass? A white wine glass?
- When you go to a concert do you wear ear plugs?
For me... I'm honestly not the biggest fan of champagne, some champagne makes me gag. True story. It's real attractive trying to choke down these tiny expensive bubbles of starbursts and act like everything is a-ok. It's not all sparkling wines, but some. Anyway, enough of that... when I do find a sparkling / champagne that doesn't make me gag I do tend to drink it out of a flute, however there have been times when a flute is not available and I've had to drink the fantastical bubbles from a regular wine glass and I didn't mind. I'll have to test this out though and see if the glass really does make a difference for me. With still wines it definitely does so I can't imagine sparkling / champagne would be any different.
In regards to ear plugs at a concert, well... back in my younger years I NEVER wore ear plugs. It's true that ear plugs do hinder your concert experience, unfortunately at the expense of your hearing. I can't tell you how many times my ears continued to ring days after an awesome show, but it was all worth it to get the full experience. Now however, that I'm a bit older I do bring a pair of good earplugs with me to every show. They're better than the foam ones you stick in your ears that they use at construction sites but they're ear plugs none the less. Usually I will put the ear plugs in for the bands that I'm not too familiar with. These ear plugs actually allow me to hear the music more clearly than if I didn't have them in. But then when the band comes on that I came to see I take them out because usually I'm singing along to every song and when I have the ear plugs in I can hear my voice too... so yeah, no thanks.
Let me know your thoughts about flutes and earplugs in the comments!